
Evolution Chemical as Textile Solution Company leading in the World,
forces on the chemical products further process innovations

Product name: Evosopin MBH(TDS)

Category: Process chemicals series

Product Name:1693


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Instruction Manual

Evosopin MBH


Evosopin MBH is a special soaping agent for the removal of reactive dye hydrolysate or unfixed direct dye from dyeings on cellulosic material.It has superior capability on washing, disperse color floating, pulp and white-bottom stain-prevention function, with excellent sequestering and dispersing properties, improve soaping fastness of printing fabrics and color vividness.

Nature:           Surfactant compound

Appearance:  Light yellow transparent liquid

Ionicty:          Anion/Non-ionic

Solubility:      Arbitrarily dissolve with water

pH value:       About 7.0


1.Retains hydrolysate in the liquor and prevents their redeposition on the material

2.Exceptional dispersing properties which prevents the formation of dyestuff aggregates and subsequent redeposition during after soaping

3.APEO free and environment friendly


Soaping:Evosopin MBH 0.5-2.0g/L

The post-clearing effect required depends mainly on the depth of shade,the liquor ratio, the liquor carry over between consecutive steps and the time for each process step.These parameters vary according to machine and sub-strate type.


120 kg plastic drum


Please refer to latest Safety Data Sheet for detailed information on product safety.


If stored properly in its original sealed packaging the shelf life is at least 12 months.Storage temperature at 0- 40 °C will cause an increase of the color number.Once the package barrel is opened, it should be used as soon as possible, if not, please seal the left well.


We know of no ill effects that could have resulted from using this product for the purpose for which it is intended and from processing it in accordance with the current practice. According to the experience we have gained up to now and other information at our disposal, the product does not exert any harmful effects on health, provided that it is used properly, due attention is given to the precautions necessary for handling chemicals, and the information and advice given in our Safety Data Sheet are observed.。


The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience.In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply any guarantee of certain properties, nor the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights etc. given herein may change without prior information and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.